
Moving from conspicuous to conscious consumption and doing reviews along the way.  Find plenty of unsponsored reviews of Quince, Everlane, Grana, and Cuyana on the site!  I'm working towards a minimal waste lifestyle, and oh yea I love bags >.<

Weekend Update/Ramblings

I finally deleted the RealReal off my phone and feel like I’ve at least kicked one bad addiction out of my life. I love TRR, and it really is a great place to find good used stuff. But purchasing too much from any place is no bueno. Now if I can only easily eliminate other addictions like sugar, screen time (esp Insta).

Also I know it’s already February and you’re still looking at the same old blog. I’m trying to work on a new design and a new page but it’s a lot of tech work that I’m not usually used to doing. I may have to take a quick hiatus from writing to get it all done, so we’ll see. But I do have quite a few reviews already scheduled so maybe I can get it done in the meantime.

I repurchased the mules from Jenni Kayne this month, but this time used from The RealReal (this was before I deleted the app off my phone— you see this is why I needed to delete it). I decided to take a reader’s suggestion of trying them used and already broken in for me. And big news they were waaaay more comfortable. Something I could see myself keeping and wearing… if it had more insole padding. So yep that was a deal breaker for me. I guess the really comfy St. Agni mules have spoiled me. Plus how many mules can one person own (ok I know theoretically a lot, but not a blogger who’s trying to consume more ethically).

Do you guys want to hear about coronavirus/COVID-19? Probably not, but I’m still following it everyday. I think it’s the epidemiology nerd in me. Anyway a fact that you may not have been aware of: It can spread through feces and about 10% of infected people have nausea and stomach issues (it’s not always respiratory though that’s how most people get it) {and I have my personal theory of that’s why cruise ships are especially vulnerable—like outbreaks of norovirus but this is just an amateur talking}. I found this early study featured in the NYT especially interesting. Also as an amatuer personal finance person I decided to take some money off the table so to speak. I had some great gains in my ETF funds so I cashed out and I’m waiting for the dip to rebuy (I make a note of what I sold it for and what I want to rebuy at). I truly believe with manufacturing crippled in China, there’s going to be a dip. We are all interconnected now and there’s no way any economy is going to grow with a pandemic, no matter how “mild.” Anyway this is just me and I’m no financial expert. These are just my opinions so please don’t @ me if the US stocks go bonanza and you took your money out because of this post.