
Moving from conspicuous to conscious consumption and doing reviews along the way.  Find plenty of unsponsored reviews of Quince, Everlane, Grana, and Cuyana on the site!  I'm working towards a minimal waste lifestyle, and oh yea I love bags >.<

Weekend Update/Ramblings


Have you guys seen The Talented Mr. Ripley? I’m a couple decades late, but I just saw it on Netflix and wow, what a cast! Young Matt Damon is so good in it! Also I love young, pre-Goop Gwenyth Paltrow and I always love Cate Blanchette. Plus the simple yet chic 90’s take on 50’s Italian styling is my vibe for this summer lol. {Also if you have the time, I thought the post that the pic came from (just follow the via link) was a great deconstruction of said style.}

Anyway how was your first full week of the new year? Pretty great I hope! I’m in my 5th week of recovery from the hysterectomy and I feel good. Can’t wait to get the all clear from my doctor to go back to the full swing of things, which includes lifting up my 24 pound 10-month old! And working out! Also because of the removal of my uterus and fibroids, I’m the lightest I’ve ever been. Though I’m quickly gaining the weight back since I haven’t altered the bad eating habits that I picked up during pregnancy (gimme all the carbs). But in the meantime I’ve gone back to enjoying clothes! It’s fun to style outfits and make an effort again. You can probably tell if you follow my Insta since I’m doing almost daily ootds now.

I’m also shopping a lot more and I have to remind myself to be mindful of my consumption. I am trying to purchase only used or slow fashion this year though I’m not making any strict resolutions. I picked up a 1997 Chanel skirt suit that I love. It needs some alterations but I hope it becomes a staple in my closet. I rarely buy expensive designer clothes (and when I do it’s always used), but I love being reminded of the beautiful quality that these kinds of clothes have. For example the jacket is sewn with multiple panels so that it comes in at the waist just right. The silk lining is perfectly done. It really is like wearing a piece of art, especially when you compare it to a similar jacket you might pick up at a fast fashion retailer. Anyway here are three ways I styled it:

Vintage 1997 Chanel Jacket

If vintage Chanel suits are your thing, I recommend stalking them on the RealReal (current selection here). I’ve seen the best prices on TRR (I’ve seen some of these suit sets go for $1000+ on other sites, which is ridiculous). I was luckily able to snag this one for $325. There’s another skirt suit from the same 1997 collection here but I’d wait for the price to come down a bit. Anyway I don’t normally call my clothing purchases “investments” but I gotta say this is as close to it as it gets. I really hope that both this skirt suit and I age well together.