
Moving from conspicuous to conscious consumption and doing reviews along the way.  Find plenty of unsponsored reviews of Quince, Everlane, Grana, and Cuyana on the site!  I'm working towards a minimal waste lifestyle, and oh yea I love bags >.<

Weekend Update/Ramblings


This past week was a bit of an off week for me. I got a really sore throat and I thought I for sure got Covid even though I had no real exposures (I mean I went to Trader Joe’s and the farmer’s market but it seems really unlikely—but these days you never know). It also didn’t help that I did a killer ab workout the day before I got sick and so I couldn’t tell if I had general body aches (which I swear I did) or just overdid it on the workout. But multiple rapid tests over successive days came out negative. Yet I didn’t want to get my family sick so just in case, I isolated in my office for a couple days. The sore throat got really bad and then basically went away in one day, with just some lingering nasal congestion afterwards. I was luckily able to get a PCR test from my county (so grateful for being able to get one so easily) and the test result came out negative (so so so grateful). Whew, so then I treated myself to a full day in Marin and had a ball eating oysters and shake shack, and checking out the RealReal store in-person (full blog post about my in-person selling experience coming soon).


I also went to the library and picked up a couple books that have been on my to-read list. I honestly haven’t read much since having Emi. First it was about not having any time to read, and then it was about not having the attention span. Well I guess reading is like a muscle, and you just need to get your time/practice in for things to pick up again.

I ended up watching a lot of HBO this week so I’m going to go on about it now. I finished watching Station Eleven and looooved it. The show’s premise is based on an outbreak of a killer flu strain (one that’s quite lethal) and shows the lives of several people post-pandemic all of whom are connected through an actor who dies in the first episode. The first episode was filmed in 2019 and then the show’s production was put on hold because of the real-life pandemic (the irony). And it’s evident that the first episode was filmed pre-pandemic because c’mon in a real pandemic all hospital staff would be wearing at least a mask (duh!) lol. Also I wasn’t sure if I wanted to watch a show about a pandemic during a pandemic but the series isn’t really about that—it’s about how people adapted post-pandemic. It made me think about our relatively less dire situation and it made me appreciate things a bit more.

I also don’t think I ever talked about the show Insecure here, but I highly recommend it as well. I loved the first couple of seasons and it was one of the few shows that could literally make me laugh out loud. It kinda drags at the beginning of their final season, but I loved how the show ended (and how the show highlights female friendships). Also the fashion on that show is impeccable (especially in this last season).

And lastly, as a huge Downton Abbey fan I of course had to watch the first episode of the Gilded Age. And I wasn’t disappointed. Yes, it felt very much like Downton Abbey but in a nice “coming back to a familiar place” kind of way and not a boring “this is the same thing” kind of way.

What are some things you guys are reading and/or watching these days?