
Moving from conspicuous to conscious consumption and doing reviews along the way.  Find plenty of unsponsored reviews of Quince, Everlane, Grana, and Cuyana on the site!  I'm working towards a minimal waste lifestyle, and oh yea I love bags >.<

Weekend Update/Ramblings

What a world we live in right now. I’ve been mostly quiet on social media because I didn’t want to post a George Floyd tribute and then post an outfit photo or something equally as frivolous right after. But at the same time I don’t want people to mistake my silence as complicity. I donated some money but I need more time to continue to process everything. This New York Times parenting article also made my heart hurt: imagine having to move to another country to ensure the safety of your child and to give your child a fighting chance. Faced with the same dilemma, I would probably do the same (of course it’s a privilege to make this choice, a privilege that many don’t have.)

In other news we’ve broken quarantine. We now have a quarantine crew (or corona crew?) that we hang out on the weekends. It’s with several other families with small children that Emi can play with. I think it does her really good to hang out with kids her age and older since she’s learning from them. She is also way more social than I am and can’t seem to get enough of new people (I feel bad that she only sees my husband and myself day in and day out). I do worry about the increased chance of getting ill but since we don’t see any vulnerable people, I’m taking the risk so that Emi can get some socialization. Anyways everyone has to consider their own level of risk that their comfortable with and so far we are ok with this. Thanks to Allison for pointing me to this Emily Oster (the author of one of my fave baby books, Cribsheets) post about assessing your own risk tolerance level.

Anyway I wish you all love and care this week. Please take care of yourself out there!