
Moving from conspicuous to conscious consumption and doing reviews along the way.  Find plenty of unsponsored reviews of Quince, Everlane, Grana, and Cuyana on the site!  I'm working towards a minimal waste lifestyle, and oh yea I love bags >.<

Shopping Ban Update For June

My thrift shopping haul: Marine Layer skirt, Current/Elliot denim shirt, SuperDry khaki shirt, Madewell tee, and Bateau Petit tee

My thrift shopping haul: Marine Layer skirt, Current/Elliot denim shirt, SuperDry khaki shirt, Madewell tee, and Bateau Petit tee

So you know how back in May I was like, oh this shopping ban is a piece of cake?  Well of course as soon as I say those words, my raging consumption addiction comes back to bite me in the butt.  So I let myself go thrift shopping at Crossroads to satisfy that craving.  It's not ideal to be adding new items to the closet (especially when a lot of other conscious consumption bloggers were doing a no-shop June) so I did feel a bit guilty.  But then I told myself hey at least I'm funding a system that recycles clothes and keeps them from the dump.  And technically I didn't even spend money since I had enough credit from "trading" in my clothes to cover the cost of the new-to-me duds (with some credit left over).  I guess this is the best way for me to manage my shopping addiction while still following my rules for an ethical closet (which is summed up really well in the picture from this post).  I'm tempted to call it right now and say it was just a 6 month shopping ban, but ah well I'll keep trying.  But really, I can't wait for this ban to be over, though I have a feeling I won't be hitting up the malls right after it (at least the urge for that has really left me... or so I think until I prove myself wrong again of course, lol).  In the meantime the downsizing of my closet and the honing of my style continues.

P.S. Those who follow my insta-stories know I got a new used bag, after selling off several from my collection.  Currently feeling a bit guilty about it but at the same time I'm justifying it as a 3 bags out, one bag in sort of deal (and really I did get such a good deal on this pre-owned bag).  But since this is a July purchase I'll deal with it in my July post lol >.<

P.P.S I've just read this article and it describes me pretty much to a tee.  I like well-made items and I like these items to be also made at least ethically if not also sustainably.  And I'm super lucky enough to be able to afford to buy these kinds of goods so that's what I choose.  Yes, buying sustainable and ethical items can sometimes be expensive but buying fast fashion in bulk can be equally expensive in my opinion.  Those items don't last, nor can they really be traded for new to you clothes at a place like Crossroads (and forget trying to sell them on places like eBay).  Buy quality items from consignment stores and not only are you helping to maintain the resell market but you're not lining the pockets of polluting corporations.  Ok ok I'll get off my soap box now lol.