
Moving from conspicuous to conscious consumption and doing reviews along the way.  Find plenty of unsponsored reviews of Quince, Everlane, Grana, and Cuyana on the site!  I'm working towards a minimal waste lifestyle, and oh yea I love bags >.<

Weekend Update/Ramblings & Giveaway! {Closed)


Thanks to everyone who saw my rather dramatic Insta-story post about checking into the ER on Saturday night. I had some scary bleed episodes and rushed to the hospital where they did a bunch of tests, gave me an IV, some shots, and special monitoring. After all that they’re not sure what the problem is but it could be either a placental abruption or something with the fibroids. Anyway on the bright side things turned out well and I have special instructions in case I do go into pre-term labor. Also this was kind of a test run for the real deal when I have to go into the hospital for my C-section, which will be longer than this past two night stint. Oh and I’m not sure if I mentioned it here but I definitely have to get a C-section due to my fibroids. When they did the ultrasounds to check for the baby’s growth (which is all good by the way), I also asked them to estimate the size of my fibroids. I have one the size of a mini watermelon and another the size of a grapefruit, and both are blocking the baby’s exit through the cervix. The doctors were amazed I was even able to get pregnant in the first place considering the location of these fibroids.

Anyway the bottom portion is something that I wrote earlier in the week before all this drama. It’s small beans compared to what I just went through but I didn’t feel like erasing it. Even though the bottom matters are relatively insignificant, they’re still things I think about when it comes to this blog.

I learned a bit of discouraging info about the blog this month when I was looking over the stats. I try not to look at it too often since I don’t want to be ruled by numbers, but at the same time I keep an eye out on them so that I can make sure I’m on the right track when it comes to writing about what people want to read. And it seems I went off the track because my numbers are way down last month, which is particularly unusual. And the week I can pinpoint where I lost a lot of readers? After publishing this post saying I’ll be doing less clothing reviews. Hot dang that’s discouraging. I want people to read this blog, so I guess that means the best way to do that is to keep acquiring new things and reviewing them? No, I know that’s not the best for my pocketbook or mental health but still, I wish I could take those words back and keep the readers! The irony, is that I’m still doing a ton of reviews because I had a backlog of things I wanted to talk about on the blog. Plus I’m still buying things, I’m just no longer getting things for free. I feel like I made a wrong decision since who wouldn’t want to be still getting things for free, more readers in the process, and earn more money (triple positive). Now I feel like I’m in triple negative territory. Ah well, I just need to keep doing what I feel is right for me though and try not to get discouraged.

And guess all those fair-weather readers will miss out on some giveaways I had planned. Like this one for a $50 Everlane gift card! Thank you to all those who did decide to stick around despite my decision for no sponsored/gifted items posts and less reviews in general. You are my true reader-friends :)

To enter just fill in the form below. The giveaway closes next Sunday PST and winner will be announced Monday. Email will just be used to notify the winner and as the address to send the digital gift card to (no spam). And please only one entry per person. Thanks!